Hyperledger Cello Setup in VM
Hi All,
Before we begin to setup Hyperledger Cello, Lets quickly go through the basic information about Cello.
Hyperledger Cello is a blockchain provision and operation system, which helps manage blockchain networks in an efficient way.
Using Cello, everyone can easily:
- Build up a Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) platform quickly from scratch.
- Provision customizable Blockchains instantly, e.g., a Hyperledger fabric network v1.0.
- Maintain a pool of running blockchain networks on top of baremetals, Virtual Clouds (e.g., virtual machines, vsphere Clouds), Container clusters (e.g., Docker, Swarm, Kubernetes).
- Check the system status, adjust the chain numbers, scale resources… through dashboards.
A typical usage scenario is illustrated as:
Prerequisites for Cello
Lets Now setup Hyperledger Cello:
- Clone the Cello repository from Github.
git clone https://github.com/hyperledger/cello.git
2. Enter the below commands
make setup-master
make start
After service started up, if use docker-compose method, you can see output:
Now make sure 8081 port in the VM is open.
Enter the URL in the brwoser https://localhost:8081 ……For those who are setting up the application in local and http://<ip address>:8081 ….For those who have setupp Cello in VM.
Cello Dashboard is visible as below which asks for ID and Password:
Enter User Name: admin and Password : pass
Isn’t it very easy to setup the Cello?
Thank you all… Happy learning..